The Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI’2021) has been successfully held on July 17th to 21st 2021 in Qingdao, China.

ICSI’2021 invited leading researchers in the field of swarm intelligence and delivered high-quality speeches and talks after the opening ceremony. Prof. Qirong Tang presented his speech on “Swarm Intelligence and Large-scale Heterogeneous Robotic Swarms”, Prof. Gaige Wang delivered a talk on “Improving Metaheuristic Algorithms Using Information Feedback”. Prof. Chaomin Luo made a remote presentation on “New Insights into Nature Inspired Intelligence Methodologies with Applications in Robotics and Autonomous Systems”, and Prof. Wenjian Luo gave a talk on “Evolutionary Multiparty Multiobjective Optimization”. Those speeches and talks shed light on some of the most recent advances and insights in the field of swarm intelligence and served as a wonderful start of the ICSI’2021.

Over 80 participants joined ICSI’2021 onsite. During July 18th and 19th, parallel sessions were held for authors to present their works to other researchers. Due to the global impact ot COVID’19, this year’s sessions were organized in a hybrid manner.
During the award banquet, best paper awards were announced. This year’s best paper award went to Prof. Wenjian Luo for his work “A New Evolutionary Approach to Multiparty Multi-objective Optimization”. The best student paper award was received by Fengrong Chang for her work entitled “Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm based on Formal Concept Analysis”.

During the conference, attendees also shared a lot of other wonderful moments in activities such as group photo session and beer festival.

The ICSI’2021 was a great success and marked the ongoing endeavor of swarm intelligence researchers to conduct more and more novel and ground-breaking work. We hope to continue this success and meet you at next year’s ICSI’2022 conference in Xi’an, China!
The Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI’2021) serves as the most important forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange latest advantages in theories, technologies, and applications of swarm intelligence and related areas.
The ICSI’2021 is the twelfth annual event in this high-reputation ICSI series following the continuous eleven previous events at Belgrade (Online Webinar), Chiang Mai, Shanghai, Fukuoka, Bali, Beijing, Hefei, Harbin, Shenzhen, Chongqing and Beijing. ICSI’2021 is sponsored by International Association of Swarm and Evolutionary Intelligence (IASEI), Peking University, Southern University of Science and Technology, Ocean University of China and the Computational Intelligence Laboratory, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, International Neural Network Society, World Federation of Soft Computing, Springer, LNCS, Electronics, International Journal of Intelligent System, Multimedia Tools and Applications and Beijing Xinghui High-Tech Co.
The ICSI’2021 received 177 submissions and invited submissions from about 392 authors in 32 countries and regions (Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan (China), Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, The USA, and Viet Nam) across 6 continents (Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Oceania). Each submission was reviewed by at least 2 reviewers, and on average 2.5 reviewers. Based on rigorous reviews by the Program Committee members and reviewers, 104 high-quality papers were selected for publication in this proceedings volume with an acceptance rate of 58.76%. The papers are organized into 16 cohesive sections covering major topics of swarm intelligence research and its development and applications.